Oct 31, 2018 | Feature Product, News and Information
What does a dog bowl have to do with a great marketing sales kit? Sometimes, seemingly unrelated things come together to create the most memorable advertising campaign. However, when your company name happens to be Sparkhound, the idea becomes quite obvious!...
Aug 10, 2018 | Feature Product
Explore the possibilities at Vulcan. That’s what Vida Vacations did when they wanted to develop packaging for their “Explorar Vida” Promotional Marketing Kit. Our packaging specialist, Mike Morgan, met with their design team to learn about their vision and all the...
Jul 10, 2018 | News and Information
Marketing Kits are a great way to announce, present or show off your new products to the market. Here, we have manufactured another great looking, and functional promotional sample kit from Vulcan Information Packaging. A key feature that make this product unique is...
Apr 11, 2018 | News and Information
Print is dead. Or so many believed during years of market recession and with the rising prominence of digital files. Against all predictions, the print industry has experienced a remarkable renaissance in the past few years. Recent studies have shown that consumers...
Jan 23, 2018 | Feature Product, News and Information
Let our designers create an attractive and functional solution to showcase your samples of tile, counter tops, wall covering and more We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of material sample books and binders in the country We offer a wide range of decoration...